
Banning “Fatphobia” in Hiring

And more top recruiting news and insights.

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Dec 4, 2023

Colorado poised to ban “fatphobia” in the workplace. The state is likely to pass legislation in the coming year that will outlaw discrimination based on weight. Notably, Michigan was the first state to do this, back in 1976. (The Hill)

“People are afraid of what their jobs are going to look like.” So says IBM CEO Ginni Rometty regarding the impact of generative AI. In discussion skills-first hiring, Rometty suggests that people are “going to have to change their skill.” Are workers prepared to do that? (Yahoo Finance)

An analysis of 350,000 job interviews led to some key takeaways. What makes interviews go well? What makes them tank? (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

New California proposal aims to allow job applicants to opt out of AI decision-making. The new regulations could complicate how employers use emerging technology in the hiring process. (TechCrunch)

McDonald’s asks the Supreme Court to review a no-poach case. Former employees had alleged that the hiring restrictions between the company and its franchises unfairly restrict competition. (HR Dive)

Addressing high unemployment among neurodivergent people. There remains a dearth of neurodiverse-inclusive pathways in higher education to prepare people for work. Meanwhile, about 30% to 40% of neurodivergent adults are currently unemployed. (MIT Sloan)

Here’s how manufacturers are grooving their talent pipeline. “After several years of encountering, understanding and being hamstrung by the challenges of a very tight labor market, mid-market manufacturing CEOs may have turned a corner,” begins this SHRM story. “More U.S. factory chiefs aren’t simply accepting their plight but instead are finally mitigating the problem of tight talent, even as unfavorable demographics and other factors are preventing them from solving it altogether.” (SHRM)

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