
Ask Barb: Nailing Down a Fill Date

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Sep 28, 2011

Dear Barb:

Clients always say ASAP; they hardly ever give me a target date to fill an order. How do you respond when they say this? I can’t force them to give me a date and yet I understand why this is important information. Any advice?

Jennifer B., Atlanta, GA 

Dear Jennifer:

Here is the answer to your question…

“I’m sure you will agree that timing is everything in recruiting, which is why we prioritize your search according to your timeframe to hire. Would you please share with me your preferred target date to hire? This will allow me to focus on your search when the timing is perfect for us to provide the best results!”

Show them the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) – you are trying to prioritize according to their priority. Time kills deals, you don’t want to lost talent because of a delay. If they say ASAP ask them if they are ready to hire that same week?

It’s all about showing them why it benefits THEM to give your more specific information.

Hope this helps.

Barb Bruno, CPC, CTS

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