
Ask Barb: The Recession Is Over

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Feb 15, 2012

Dear Barb:

I’m having a hard time convincing my recruiters that the recession is over. I keep hearing business is improving, but that is not the case in my office. We’re struggling to keep the doors open. Many of our clients are not hiring and when they do, they often find their own candidates by using Job Boards and Social Media. I’ve never seen it take so long to obtain job offers. When we do finally get a job offer, often our candidates are no longer interested. I need to turn this around before I lose my business. Any suggestions you may have are greatly appreciated.

Sheila M., Memphis, TN

Dear Sheila:

The recession is over, but it’s still not easy to land new clients. Client development is a process based on building rapport that leads to a profitable client relationship. If you don’t have sufficient job order flow, 85% of the day must be dedicated to client development. We have a twelve-step client development process I’d be glad to share with you if you email Check nine references daily and convert these into marketing presentations. Also have everyone in your company market a candidate daily into 5-7 companies. You will get results where you put your focus.

When you do write job orders, obtain interview times and a target date to fill. This will give you the appropriate timeframe for offers. When clients fall in love with a candidate the process shortens and hires are completed quickly. Continue to submit candidates until an offer is extended. It’s interesting that talk about the recession disappears when production increases.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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