
6 Seconds Won’t Be Long Enough to Read Today’s Roundup

Mar 23, 2012
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

A new site for women, two new, visual-heavy job sites, jobs with smoothies, and six seconds to read a resume. All in today’s roundup.

Women’s League

The PR release calls the new Levo League, “The first online community designed for professional Gen Y women.” We’ll quibble with that, since we found more than a few sites already out there, including The New Careerist. On the other hand, it does get props for design, and it might just be the first job board specifically for Gen Y women. Don’t get us wrong — that’s no insult!

You can search for jobs, read about careers, network with others. There’s also a recruiting toolkit. For-profit companies pay per job post, in addition to a monthly fee based on the size of the company.


Proving that still more company names can be generated using the word resume, we now have ResumUP, in beta. Located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, it’s currently funded by the founders, and is planning to look for investment this summer.

What’s different about this jobs site is job-seekers can use it to make slick-looking visual resumes. And employers can make their jobs look just as visual.

A million people have generated profiles with the system, and companies like Adidas as well as Kraft Foods/Russia are taking a look at it. We bet it’s not the last recruiting vendor we’ll say this about: it’s putting up a Pinterest page.


Not too Sexy for the Seeker

ResumUp’s not the only new, visual-heavy resume/job site coming down the pike. Out of New Zealand comes Jobgram. Check out the site, and you’ll see the direction they’re headed — very visual, infographic-style job descriptions. It’s self-funded, and so far has published Jobgrams for the New Zealand Inland Revenue (it’s like the IRS in the U.S.); Waste Management; and SKM Australia. More are on the way, with most inquires coming from the U.S.

“I want to make recruitment advertising and position descriptions sexier and more engaging for the jobseeker,” says Jobgram’s Paul Jacobs. All Jobgrams are posted on Pinterest.

6 Seconds

Speaking of resumes, consider this: You’ve already spent longer reading this post than you do “reading” 12 resumes. The Ladders did a little eye-tracking study of 30 recruiters who were asked to review both printed and online resumes to make a decision. The recruiters themselves estimated they spent 4-5 minutes studying a resume. The study found the average was six seconds.

The Ladders used tracking technology to learn what recruiters look at on a resume. What the researchers found was that 80 percent of the time was spent looking at: Name; Previous position start and end dates; Current title and company; Current position start and end dates; Previous title and company, and; Education.

Smooth Jobs

Get Jambafied for the summer next week, at one of the 80 Jamba Juice shops that will be participating in a “National Hiring Day.” From 2 to 6 p.m. on March 27, the only company in the world that can turn broccoli and kale and other things no kid in America wants to see on their dinner plate into a smoothie they’ll slurp right up, will accept applications to fill the 2,500 summer jobs it pledged to provide. Most of the participating shops are in California, but where better to spend the summer?

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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