
12 Questions Job Candidates Will Ask You

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Sep 4, 2019

In today’s fierce recruiting environment, expect to be asked penetrating questions about your company, its culture, and the career development employees may expect. If you are not asked questions by a candidate, it’s a red flag as to their interest in your company, as well as their drive. Build in time during each interview for candidates to ask questions, and for the interviewers to thoughtfully respond to them. Interviewers should be instructed that if they don’t know the answer to a question, tell the employee that they will investigate it and get back to the candidate within 24 hours.

Be prepared for the following questions.

  1. Tell me about your career advancement at your company.
  2. What do you like most about your culture? What do you like least about your culture?
  3. Has this company ever asked you to do something that violated your ethics or values? If yes, what happened?
  4. When is the last time your company had a reduction in force?
  5. How will I know in 90 days and 180 days that I am successful?
  6. What is the most important norm I should know about the company’s culture to be successful?
  7. Tell me about your favorite boss and what made him or her your favorite boss.
  8. What qualities do you look for in one of your direct reports?
  9. Do you have any reservations about hiring me?
  10. May I expect an offer today?
  11. When will you decide on filling this position?
  12. Will you call me about your decision? If not, who will call me?

If a job candidate didn’t ask you questions, worry about it. People who ask questions and take a genuine interest in your business and the success of their teams and supervisors are who I want on my team. Having people who question and a company work environment that welcomes questions is the mark of an open, transparent, and innovative company.


Reprinted with permission from my new book.

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