
10 Companies With Fantastic Career Sites and What You Can Learn From Them

Nov 20, 2012
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Following up our recent article about the 12 things you could do to improve your careers pages, we’ve listed 10 companies with great looking careers sites and one in particular that we really like. We’ll also give a few details on why we like them so much. So if your careers site is lacking a certain something and you’re not making enough direct hires, take a look at how this group do it and start copying !

My company, iKrut, reviewed more than 500 corporate careers sites which represented a cross section of as many industry sectors and types of organisation as possible. The criteria we judged them against were ease of use, the quality and quantity of information provided, how likely the site would be found by a search engine and it’s overall attractiveness. Here are the sites, alphabetically:

Apple:  (The Apple site doesn’t actually tick off too many of our guidelines but we dare you to watch their corporate careers video without then wanting to work for them. Key learning point: make a careers video with a serious wow factor).

General Mills: (we love the “Fit Finder tool”)

Google: (just packed full of good stuff to impress job seekers)

ITV: (fantastic dedicated careers site. We particularly like the Linkedin networking tool which allows a jobseeker to see who they know within the company)

Metaswitch: (we love the puzzle)

Netapp: (we hadn’t heard of them, but with a site this good they’ll be hiring some top people)

Pepsi: (we love the detailed video profiles of their employees)

PWC: (we love the “Our people” section tracking career progression. Great idea.)

Spotify: (puzzle, staff profiles, videos, jobs easy to find …it’s all here)

But the site which fuses ease of use, information, and attractiveness as well as any we’ve seen is Hymans: Proof that you don’t have to be a global brand to be an attractive one:

Almost everything it should be doing, it is doing. Here’s why we like it:

  • We love the fact that the careers link is clearly visible on the front page of the corporate site.
  • We love the fact that the design for the careers site is a little different to the main site. This makes it look like they’ve made a real effort to impress job seekers.
  • We love the FAQs section. Simple but packed with relevant information.
  • We love the video testimonials from staff. Nothing is more powerful that seeing your potential colleagues raving about why it’s a great place to work.
  • We love the interactive blog where potential new recruits can comment and ask questions.
  • We love that the company Twitter page is on the careers site.
  • We love the fact that the careers site is littered with keywords relevant to their business
  • We love the fact that each job is a separate page and the job title is in the URL. This makes it easy for Google and other search engines to index it generating more direct hires. We found several of their jobs just through a simple Google search.
  • But above all we love the uncluttered look and navigation, making it easy to find and return to the content relevant for you.

Some other ideas they and others might like to consider? Make it easy for people to share the jobs on their social networks. How about being able to log my CV into the talent pool or sign up for job alerts?

It’s not good enough just to list your jobs. Yes there are plenty of people competing for your jobs but there are still the same number of really top candidates out there as there were five years ago and if you want those top 5% applying to you then you have to go beyond a mere list of jobs. Ask yourself what you’d like to see if you were applying for a job and now compare that with your current careers site. Does it stack up?

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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